Sit N Go Strategy - Online Poker Sit N Go Tournament Tips

Sit N Go Strategy - Online Poker Sit N Go Tournament Tips
Sit N Go tournaments are some of the most enjoyable games available in the world of online poker. Sit N Go tournaments typically consist of one table that has either 9 or 10 players. Once those 9 or 10 spots are filled, the tournament begins. Blinds are typically raised every 5-10 minutes. Play continues until one player has all the chips. Typically, the top three players make money. The first place player will receive 50% of the winnings, the second place player will receive 35%, and the third place player will receive 15%.
It is important to know the correct strategy to utilize in a Sit N Go tournament. The strategy is much different than one would utilize at a cash game table. In a cash game, players can often afford to play tight and patiently, waiting for a monster hand and cashing in on it. However, with the blinds being raised over time, a Sit N Go player must know how and when to change gears in order to consistently make money over time.
There are three main parts to Sit N Go tourneys: the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage. Your actions and aggressiveness need to change drastically in these different stages. The following is a breakdown of what you need to do in each stage of the tournament.
Early Stage
The early stage lasts until there are only 6 players remaining. One word needs to ring out over and over in your head while the game is at this stage, and that word is TIGHT. You need to play very, very tight in this stage of the game. The blinds will still be very small, so you can afford to sit and wait for very strong hands such as AA, KK, QQ, AJs, AQ, and AK. You can also take a chance that you flop a set on other pocket pairs, or that you flop a monster with small suited connectors. There will be kamikaze pilots in this early stage that love to push their stack in with any kind of garbage. Don't let them take you out with them. Play your strong hands aggressively, and let your weak hands go without much of a fight.
Middle Stage
This stage lasts from the time 6 players left until there are only 3 players left. You need to ratchet up the aggressiveness drastically here. If you have a big hand, make players pay, and pay big, to see a flop. Make them pay even more to chase a draw. This is the area of the tournament that you can accumulate lots of chips, since players start to smell the money and get very timid. Take advantage of this, especially when there are only 4 players left. When it gets down to bubble time, players will play like little old ladies.
Late Stage
You only need to know two words for this stage, all in. If you have a hand, play it ruthlessly aggressively, pushing all your chips into the middle more often than not.

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